Site Goals

  • Expand on the existing site to include About, Services, Resources (video and blog feeds), Contact and Client Login pages
  • Keep the overall look and feel of the site for consistency
  • Include some “401(k) myths” across the site.
  • Add client testimonials
  • Add team pictures & bios
  • Add a CTA banner to highlight other Krilogy services (tax and estate planning)


  • Krilogy – List of 401(k) Myths from Matt Haywood
  • Krilogy – Image of each (K)Plans team member on a white background (if possible)
  • Krilogy – Testimonials from current clients
  • Krilogy – Taylor is checking on the client group photos to see if they need to get permission to use on the site
  • Krilogy – quote from Matt Ott or Stacy to use on the About page
  • Krilogy – Received – List of client logins from Michael Barbercheck 
  • Kolbeco – Design notes and library of images to use across the site
  • Kolbeco – New infographics as discussed


  • Dev site already set up and wireframe built
  • August 27, 2024 – Design / Image library and infographics are complete (Adam, is this possible?)
  • August 27 – 30, 2024 – Angela will load all of the graphics as needed and prep the dev site
  • EOD August 30, 2024 – dev site ready for client review (while Angela is out of town the following week)
  • September 9, 2024 – client feedback and changes due
  • Week of September 16, 2024 – launch